Skydiving Stories #1- Covid19

April 20, 2020

Coronavirus & Skydiving

We are all going through crazy times right now and we want to take a second and give a big shout out to all the medical workers on the front lines. Skydive Danielson would also personally like to thank all the police officers, firefighters, paramedics, etc. who are keeping everyone safe and well cared for.

We would like to take the time to share our skydiver stories that are related to Covid-19. We have many people who are customers or staff at Skydive Danielson that are doing great things right now and we would like to say THANK YOU!

Covid-19 Skydiving Stories in CT

Q & A with an EMT -Marcelo C.

Q: When did you start skydiving? 

learning to skydive at skydive danielson

A: I started skydiving in the summer of 2018. I did a tandem and as soon as I landed I knew I had to learn to skydive. I started working on my skydiving license and became a licensed skydiver in 2019. It took a lot of hard work, dedication and time but it was well worth it.

Q: How many skydives do you have?

A: I have completed 34 skydives and have my USPA "A" License.

Q: With the skydiving center being closed right now due to Covid-19, what do you miss the most about skydiving?

A: Being away from the amazing people at the skydiving center is what I miss most. Luckily I am able to stay close with my friends by chatting online still. Social distancing is hard for skydivers, who are normally such a tight group of people. Our group at Skydive Danielson is amazing and I can't wait to see my friends again.

Q. What is your favorite part of the skydive? The airplane ride, freefall or flying your parachute?

Skydiving Closed Due To Covid-19 - Missing Group Skydivers

A. Freefall is definitely my favorite part. There's just nothing like it. Sometimes I even find myself wondering if the memories I have from freefall are real or just part of my imagination because of how intense and short freefall can be. 

Q: What is your current job?

A: I work as an E.M.T. in Needham, MA. What I like most about it is that I get to interact with patients on both ends of patient care. I get to help people with the care they need in emergency situations while also getting to transport patients that are leaving the hospital to recover at home. Those patients often share their stories with me and express how grateful they are just for being in good health again.

Q: What has your experience been with patients with Covid-19?

Skydivers Who Work With Covid-19

A: In the beginning we only had a few patients who were suspected of having Covid-19, but now 90% of the patients are Covid-19 positive. Because of that, we don't even take off our PPE anymore to avoid contamination. At least this is helping me to create the habit of not touching my face which as been a struggle for years.

Thank you Marcelo! 

We want to hear from you! If you have been a customer at Skydive Danielson and would like to share your story with us, please send an email to