
July 20, 2015
Authored by laura morris
Flight-1 works with canopy pilots of all experience levels around the globe. Over one thousand skydivers in more than twelve different countries go through a flight-1 course each year. And this year we were able to get 3 flight-1 courses in during our summer season thanks to Flight-1's finest Cam King. On Friday, the course started with 101, this is the first class of the flight-1 classes available. In this class, the students learn the basics of how to do harness turns, stall their canopy and steer with their front and rear risers and learn all about their sweet spots. We had a great turnout of 10 people in this class. Flight 102 is the second course, where students learn about the complete range of the canopy and using the canopy to deal with different situations The jumpers were given more safety and survival tools and applied these using controlled turns with different inputs, turn dynamics, dive recovery and the how to deal with a long spot. Which by the end of the weekend the jumpers seemed to favorite! The last loads of the day on Sunday we had a total of 8 jumpers getting out up to 6 miles away from the drop zone! They had a blast! Saturday ended up being horrible weather so our flight 102 and 103 classes got to jump together on Sunday. The 103 class is the last of the 100 series, in this class they learned about airmanship. It continues to develop their personal skills and understanding in the areas of canopy choice equipment and malfunctions and avoiding and successfully dealing with canopy collisions. Even though it was a crazy weather weekend, everyone left with a huge smile on their face. Thank you Cam King, for the awesome instruction and great job Flight-1 students!! 

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