Coach Course

February 18, 2024

If you're interest in signing up for this course, please fill out this form: Coach Course Form


Earning your coach rating can be a really fun way to take your skydiving to another level. You’ll learn more about your own skills while teaching others. You’ll learn how to be more methodical in your approach to skills and equipment, ultimately making you a safer, and better skydiver.

Once you’ve earned your USPA Coach Rating, you’ll be eligible to jump with unlicensed jumpers who’ve been cleared for self-supervised free fall. The USPA Coach Rating is the first step toward becoming a camera flier, Tandem Instructor, or AFF Instructor. Potentially, you could earn some of that jump money back on coach jumps, while letting someone else pay for your slot!

Course Requirements:

  • USPA B License
  • 100+ Jumps, verifiably logged & signed

Course Prerequisites:

  • Score 80% or better on the USPA Coach Course Exam 
  • Assist with 1 First Jump Course under a qualified Instructor

Course Costs:

  • Tuition: $350 ($100 deposit, $250 due upon course commencement)
  • Jumps: 2-4 jumps, including evaluator’s slot @ $30/slot 
  • Packjobs: $9/pj for your evaluator

Course Location: 

Danielson Airport FBO Classroom (at the end of Airport Rd)

Skydive Danielson

41 Airport Rd

Danielson, CT 06239

Course Schedule: 

6/7/24 - 6/9/24, 8am - 6pm

Other Important Notes:

  • Plan to stay local! Car or tent camping is welcome at Skydive Danielson
  • DZ Check-in, Waiver & Briefing must be completed on your own time (before eval jumps.)
  • If you’re new to Skydive Danielson, make some jumps here before your eval jumps. You’ll have more successful eval jumps if you do

Your Coach Examiner: Andy Marcoux

Jumps: 2500+

Coach: 2012 

AFF-I: 2015

Evaluator: 2016

S&TA: 2019

DZM: 2022

Coach Examiner: 2023

Andy has been skydiving since 2009, but his beginnings in the sport go far beyond that. Growing up as a DZ brat he spent summers on New England drop zones in the 70’s & 80’s, long before there were tandems & AAD’s.

Outside of skydiving, Andy has a lifetime of experience instructing students in equestrian sports. That experience gives Andy a unique insight into teaching both knowledge, and coordination. Not only will you earn your Coach Rating, you’ll learn how to teach!

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